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J Homosex ; 70(1): 111-134, 2023 Jan 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36130121


Combining queer theorizing, autoethnography, and relational dialectics theory (RDT), this essay examines how my lesbian mothers and donor struggle to define family, queer family, and their emerging familial identities as grandparents to my own donor-conceived daughter through the competing discourses of biology and history. I further explore how my parents engage their relational history as queer parents as salient models for understanding their emergent familial identities as queer grandparents, as well as how they talk about an anticipated queer grandparent relationship with my daughter in the future. Ultimately, this essay works to articulate a queer(spawn) relationality-one that possibly exists at the (non-)intersection of multiple liminalities-as a means of building on earlier mappings of queer relationality.

Homossexualidade Feminina , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Feminino , Humanos , Identidade de Gênero , Mães
Qual Health Res ; 33(1-2): 3-12, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36382907


As speech and language therapists, we explored theories of communication and voice that are familiar to our profession and found them an inadequate basis on which to generate deep and rich analysis of the qualitative data from people who have communication difficulties and who use augmentative and alternative communication. Expanding our conceptual toolkit to include the work of John Shotter allowed us to reconceptualise voice and where it is emergent in dialogue. Reimaging voice will inform clinical and research praxis with people who have communication difficulties as it allows practitioners to attend more closely to the complexity and nuance inherent in interactions with this population. Our proposition is exemplified with excerpts from a single participant who has communication difficulties to illustrate the value of dialogic theory in praxis. This article presents a provocation for the wider academy of qualitative health research; do we have the concepts and tools to develop meaning with people whose lived experiences may also be hard to voice in monologues?

Voz , Humanos , Comunicação , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39302, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1440766


Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has radically altered the ways of working, studying, and interacting globally, forcing people and communities to reinterpret their daily activities. This study analyzes the changes experienced by working mothers who began distance studies at an Argentine university during the second year of the pandemic. Results indicated how spaces and time were transformed, and gender inequalities deepened. The pandemic, above all, impacted the positions and negotiations that working mothers managed to establish to continue studying in a virtual university environment. In these cases, conquering time and space for learning is, at the same time, an act of acceptance and innovation as a woman.

Resumo A pandemia do COVID-19 alterou radicalmente as formas de trabalhar, estudar e interagir globalmente, forçando pessoas e comunidades a recriar os significados de suas atividades diárias. Este estudo analisa as mudanças vivenciadas por mães trabalhadoras que iniciaram seus estudos a distância em uma universidade argentina, durante o segundo ano da pandemia. Os resultados indicam como os espaços e tempos se transformam e as desigualdades de gênero se aprofundam. A pandemia, sobretudo, impactou as posições e as negociações que as mulheres mães conseguem estabelecer para continuar estudando em ambiente universitário virtual. Nesses casos, conquistar tempo e espaço para aprender é, ao mesmo tempo, um ato de aceitação e inovação como mulher.

Front Psychol ; 13: 1028757, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36533051


In Open Dialogue, sharing of reflections by professionals constitutes an important contribution to promoting a polyphonic dialogue between participants. In the inner dialogue, past and future influence the present moment. In this study, we explore the influence of sharing or withholding reflections by professionals on the interplay between inner and outer dialogue. A case study was used with a multi-perspective methodology, which combined video recordings of a network meeting and interviews by using video-stimulated recall with the clients separately, and social workers together afterward. We found that the sharing of reflections by professionals stimulates the inner dialogue and creates an opening for sharing these in the outer dialogue. In addition, we observed that when reflections are withheld, the client's inner dialogue still continues, but their inner dialogue was not shared in the outer dialogue.

Front Psychol ; 13: 839152, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35237217


The teacher self is a composite psychological construct which encompasses the cognitive, affective, emotional, and social dimensions of teaching. This qualitative study draws on Bakhtin's concepts of dialogism, answerability, and addressivity to discuss how English language teachers negotiated the shifting and conflictive context to construct selves in relation to the promoted communicative language teaching approach. Based on narrative interviews and classroom observations with five tertiary English teachers in China, we found that these teachers were actively engaged in the dialog with their prior learning experiences and active, responsive in answering their contexts while authoring selves in everyday teaching practice. The multiple-case study data support a Bakhtinian understanding that teachers are active users and producers of theory in their own right, highlighting teachers' agency, creativity, and autonomy. Based on Bakhtin's dialogism and the case study findings, we bring cognition, identity and practice together and conceptualize the teacher self as having multiple facets and layers: the autobiographical self, the discursive self, and the pedagogical self. The three selves are constitutive of the consummated whole of the teacher self instead of being separate entities functioning individually. The study is concluded with implications for language teacher education and teacher development.

Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1375426


Parece existir um consenso entre os educadores de que o diálogo é fundamental nas práticas pedagógicas. Entretanto, a realidade das salas de aula tende a ser distinta. Para a Psicologia Cultural, monologismo e heteronomia precisam ser substituídos por práticas dialógicas. Neste artigo buscamos analisar este tópico com base nessa perspectiva teórica e nos princípios da psicologia dialógica, ilustrando nossa análise com dados de pesquisa referentes a uma atividade desenvolvida em uma escola pública, cujo propósito seria promover a desconstrução de preconceitos. Foi possível identificar que, apesar dos objetivos estabelecidos pelos professores - discussão de um curta metragem -, esses conduziram a atividade adotando uma prática monológica, mesmo afirmando valorizar uma atitude dialógica como prática pedagógica. Buscamos discutir teoricamente a razão pela qual isto tende a ocorrer, e contribuir para que os educadores sejam melhor orientados para promover a escuta, discussão e reflexão com os alunos sobre preconceitos, visando a sua desconstrução.

There seems to be a consensus among educators that dialogue is essential for pedagogical practice. However, the reality of classrooms tends to be different. For Cultural Psychology, monologism and heteronomy need to be replaced by dialogical practices. In this article, this topic is analyzed based on that theoretical perspective and the principles of dialogical psychology, illustrating our analysis with research data referring to an activity developed in a public school with the intended purpose of deconstructing prejudices. Despite the teachers' established objectives (the discussion of a short film) and even though they sought to value a dialogical attitude as a pedagogical practice, a monological practice was conducted. We discuss in theoretical terms why this tends to occur, hoping to contribute with educators by orienting them to listen, discuss, and reflect with students about topics such as the deconstruction of prejudices.

Preconceito , Instituições Acadêmicas , Educação , Docentes
Fractal rev. psicol ; 33(1): 2-11, jan.-abr. 2021. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1154261


Este artigo procura apontar possíveis articulações entre a psicologia cultural e a poesia a partir do enunciado "Eu é um outro" do poeta francês Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), extraído de suas "Cartas do Vidente" e tomado como uma perspectiva poético-visionária para a perspectiva do construtivismo semiótico-cultural em psicologia. O enunciado é endereçado às noções de dialogismo e polifonia em Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975), visando expressar a pluralidade das experiências de alteridade no campo das relações eu-outro-mundo. Bakhtin é um dos principais autores para esta vertente meta-teórica, metodológica e ética em psicologia, que focaliza processos relacionais envolvidos na relação eu-outro, tomando cada coparticipante da relação como singularidade ativa, construtora de sentidos e significados da experiência. Rimbaud foi um poeta-visionário, e sua perspectiva poética da alteridade constitui um campo fértil para um diálogo com a psicologia cultural. Suas Cartas do Vidente, escritas em 1871, servirão de suporte para uma reflexão sobre as noções de alteridade e dialogicidade no Self.(AU)

This paper aims to point out possible connections between cultural psychology and poetry from the utterance "I is another", extracted from Arthur Rimbaud's "Letters of the Seer" (1871) and taken as a visionary-poetic perspective for the strand of semiotic-cultural constructivism in psychology. This utterance is addressed to Mikhail Bakhtin's notions of dialogism and polyphony, in order to express the plurality of otherness experiences in the field of I-other-world relations. Bakhtin (1895-1975) is one of the chief authors for that metatheoretical, methodological and ethical strand in psychology, which focuses on relational processes involved in the I-other relations, taking each co-participant in the relation as an active singularity, constructing senses and meanings of experience. Rimbaud (1854-1891) was a visionary poet, and his poetic perspective of alterity is a fertile ground for a dialogue with the cultural psychology. His "Letters of the Seer" will give support to a reflection on the notions of otherness and dialogicity in the Self.(AU)

Psicologia , Poesia
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 55(3): 445-469, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33725286


This paper explores proculturative semiotic dynamics underlying self-construction in emigration that reveals various forms of the self's positioning through the processes of relating to the native and foreign socio-cultural environments. The self is conceptualised as the heterogeneous entirety of voices and self-related positions which are hierarchically organised. Hierarchical organisation implies the dominance of certain voices and I-positions at the expense of silencing others. Moreover, external societal voices promote hegemonic social representations which are represented as promoter I-positions/signs in the self-structures and have the power to regulate individuals' mental activity. Therefore, it is argued that selves' relations to the environment are not always symmetrically dialogical. The compelling power of hierarchically ordered external meaning systems that are conceptualised as "objective culture" is illustrated in the best manner when a person occurs in emigration where the native organisation of voices and I-positions is being semiotically ruptured due to the meeting with a foreign configuration of a hierarchy of external I-positions and gets "attacked" by alien promoter signs. External promoter voices and I-positions have the power to take the dominant position and establish asymmetric relations with other self-related elements. They can significantly influence intra-psychological negotiations by vocalising hegemonic social representations which exist in any community. The case study of a Georgian emigrant's living in Germany vividly reveals the wave of self-transformations which she undergoes after the liberation from the pressure of native promoter signs and engagement with the German ones. Specific microgenetic experiences leading to the transformations at the ontogenetic level are highlighted. Symmetric and asymmetric forms of communication are conceived as particular instances of relating. This paper vividly reveals the significance of the exploration of the forms of dynamic relations between various components of the self and socio-cultural environment and entailing intra-psychic and external negotiations for better understanding of the nature of humans' epigenetic development.

Comunicação , Emigração e Imigração , Feminino , Humanos
Front Psychol ; 12: 735534, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34975626


According to the complex dynamic systems (CDS) perspective, learning emerges at various system levels. This study built a coherent theoretical framework based on CDS and Bakhtinian dialogic theory and further employed the concept of attractor (i.e., certain stable states that recur over time) in CDS theory to investigate the trajectories of idea emergence and how they diversified group outcomes in dialogic collaborative problem solving (D-CPS). Two contrasting groups were compared using visual and qualitative analysis approaches. The analysis based on idea tree diagrams showed that new ideas emergent in group discussion tended to attract local utterances and performed features of attractors in CDS in both high-performing and low-performing groups. The analysis based on idea hierarchy diagrams revealed how ideas emerged at various system levels. It was also found that status problems were likely to affect the functioning of regulative feedback loops, which might give rise to different structures of idea evolution. This study proposed CDS theory as an alternative perspective, augmented by the ethical considerations of Bakhtinian dialogism, for examining the dynamics of D-CPS.

Front Psychol ; 11: 502755, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33041905


This article aims at theorizing a creative and processual theory of non-heterosexual identity. It will be argued that, so far, scholars have tended to theorize non-heterosexual identity from a monologic perspective, which establishes one-sidedly a casual and/or unproblematic relation between the emergence of forms of psychological suffering and the development of a non-heterosexual identity. Although it must be recognized that such a claim is important at a political level, at a subjective level, it leaves non-heterosexual people destined to be flooded by distressing and painful emotional states. To counter monologism within theorisations of non-heterosexual identity development, without ignoring the negative impacts of heteronormativity, it will be argued that non-heterosexual identity needs to be theorized (1) as part of a creative process situated in a specific sociohistorical context marked by heteronormativity, (2) as part of a situated process that produces and never ceases to produce multiple effects (self-states), which are unified to create an identity, and (3) as part of a situated process of creation that can be artificially transformed through art. These are the three claims that will move forward the argument of this article.

Qual Health Res ; 30(8): 1249-1261, 2020 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30585534


In this article, we apply narrative dialogism and new materialism to health research. We examine how material↔semiotic environments (MSEs) affect the rehabilitation process of Patrick, a man who exercised with the aim to recover from spinal cord injury. The MSEs are considered embedded subcases within the overall holistic case of Patrick. Three MSEs were identified: the hospital gym, the personal gym, and the adapted gym. These are examined using the analytical lens of assemblages. First, the mutually affecting components of each MSE are described. Second, a larger environmental assemblage is identified, which is termed exercise-is-restitution assemblage. This composite assemblage illuminates the associations between the three MSEs, and reveals how restitution resonated across time and space. The article contributes to the literature by reconceptualizing restitution. It highlights the importance of the materiality of health-related narratives, and it reveals the potential of MSE for transforming rehabilitation and improving exercise promotion and maintenance.

Pessoas com Deficiência , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal , Exercício Físico , Promoção da Saúde , Humanos , Masculino , Narração
Psicol. USP ; 31: e200064, 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1135820


Resumo Na formação de psicólogos, o tripé supervisão-estágio-ensino é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais. Todavia a relação estreita entre estas três esferas ocasiona, por vezes, uma compreensão nebulosa sobre a práxis concernente a cada um destes campos. À luz do dialogismo bakhtiniano e da intersubjetividade, este artigo visa a analisar a construção de significados sobre supervisão de estágio, por meio das ambiguidades que enlaçam esta atividade. Foi possível analisar que as ambiguidades permeadas pelo tripé formativo ocasionam tensões nas relações intersubjetivas, sendo balizadoras na construção de novos significados sobre a atividade de supervisão. Estes significados são tecidos pela negociação com as outridades que permeiam essa atividade formativa e pelo contexto em que são realizadas. Isto posto, estudos desta natureza propiciam uma compreensão mais ampla sobre conhecimentos teóricos/práticos concernentes ao campo da supervisão, o que pode ensejar a construção de estratégias facilitadoras na formação de psicólogos.

Abstract When training psychologists, the supervision-internship-teaching tripod is essential for the development of professional skills. However, the close relationship between these three spheres sometimes leads to a nebulous understanding of the praxis concerning each of these fields. In the light of Bakhtinian dialogism and intersubjectivity, this article analyzes the construction of meanings about internship supervision by verifying the ambiguities related to this activity. The ambiguities grounded on the formative tripod were shown to lead to tensions in intersubjective relations and served as basis to construct new meanings about the supervision activity. These meanings are built through negotiation with other identities that permeate this training activity and the context in which they are carried out. Therefore, studies of this nature provide a broader understanding of theoretical/practical knowledge concerning the zone of supervision, which in turn can lead to the construction of facilitating strategies in the training of psychologists.

Résumé La formation de psychologues implique le triplet supervision-stage-enseignement, qui est fondamental pour le développement de compétences professionnelles. Mais, le rapport étroit entre ces trois sphères engendre parfois une compréhension floue de la praxis concernant chacun de ces champs. A partir du dialogisme bakhtinien et de l'intersubjectivité, le présent article a pour objectif d'analyser la construction de signifiés sur la supervision de stages, à travers des ambigüités qui entourne cette activité. Ainsi, les ambigüités qui traversent ce triplet formatif provoquent des tensions dans les rapports intersubjectifs et balisent la construction de nouveaux signifiés concernant l'activité de supervision. Ces signifiés sont établis à partir de la négociation des altérités qui traversent cette activité formative et du contexte dans lequel elles se réalisent. De tels travaux permettent une compréhension plus élargit sur les connaissances théoriques/pratiques du champ de la supervision, ce qui peut favoriser la construction des stratégies facilitatrices dans la formation de psychologues.

Resumen En la formación de psicólogos, el trípode de supervisión-prácticas-enseñanza es fundamental para el desarrollo de habilidades profesionales. Sin embargo, la estrecha relación entre estas tres esferas a veces conduce a una comprensión nebulosa de la praxis con respecto a cada uno de los campos antes mencionados. A la luz del diálogo de Bakhtin y la intersubjetividad, este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la construcción de significados sobre la supervisión de prácticas, por medio de las ambigüedades que vinculan esta actividad. Las ambigüedades permeadas por el trípode formativo producen tensiones en las relaciones intersubjetivas, siendo faros en la construcción de nuevos significados sobre la actividad de supervisión. Estos significados se tejen por medio de la negociación con los demás que impregnan esta actividad de capacitación y el contexto en el que se lleva a cabo. Dicho esto, los estudios de esta naturaleza proporcionan una comprensión más amplia del conocimiento teórico-práctico sobre el campo de la supervisión, lo que puede conducir a la construcción de estrategias facilitadoras en la formación de psicólogos.

Humanos , Masculino , Psicologia Clínica , Aconselhamento , Capacitação Profissional
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 32: e202824, 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1135945


Resumo O presente estudo objetivou investigar os processos de insight em sujeitos com Transtorno de Asperger (TA). Entende-se por insight o conhecimento do próprio diagnóstico e os sentidos construídos a partir deste. O desenvolvimento doinsight é aqui compreendido não como função restrita à vida mental pessoal, mas como fenômeno intersubjetivo, forjado nas relações sociais. O arcabouço teórico que subsidia a presente pesquisa é a perspectiva genética de desenvolvimento avançada pela psicologia histórico-cultural. Para tanto, foram propostas a três díades de pais e adolescentes diagnosticados com TA duas tarefas de produção narrativa que investigaram aspectos relacionados às experiências Asperger. Os resultados sugerem que a característica central dos processos de insight no TA pode ser descrita como disrupção na transição do modo monológico para o modo dialógico de pensamento. Acredita-se que os resultados aqui encontrados contribuem para a compreensão da singularidade e eventicidade da existência e da experiência subjetiva.

Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar los procesos de insight en sujetos con trastorno de Asperger (TA). Insight significa el conocimiento del diagnóstico mismo y los significados construidos a partir de él. El desarrollo del insight se entiende aquí no como una función restringida a la vida mental personal, sino como un fenómeno intersubjetivo, forjado en las relaciones sociales. El marco teórico que sustenta esta investigación es la perspectiva genética del desarrollo que adelanta la psicología histórico-cultural. Para ello, a tres díadas de padres y adolescentes diagnosticados de TA se les ofrecieron dos tareas de producción narrativa que investigaban aspectos relacionados con las experiencias de Asperger. Los resultados sugieren que la característica central de los procesos de insight en TA puede describirse como una interrupción en la transición del modo de pensamiento monológico al dialógico. Se cree que los resultados encontrados aquí contribuyen a la comprensión de la singularidad y la eventualidad de la existencia y la experiencia subjetiva.

Abstract The present article aimed to investigate insight processes in people with Asperger disorder. Insight is understood as the knowledge of one's own diagnosis and the senses built from it. The insight development is understood here not as a function of personal psychological life, but as an intersubjective phenomenon, forged in social relations. The theoretical framework that subsidizes this research is the genetic perspective of development advanced by cultural-historical psychology. For this purpose, two tasks of narrative production were proposed to three dyads of parents and teenagers with AD, which investigated aspects related to Asperger experiences. The results suggest that the central characteristic of insight processes in AD can be described as a disruption in the transition of a thinking monologic mode to a thinking dialogic mode. It is believed that the results here found contribute to the comprehension of singularity and occurrence of subjective experience and existence.

Psicologia , Intuição , Síndrome de Asperger/psicologia , Narração , Compreensão , Relações Pais-Filho , Cognição
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 32: e020011, 2020.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135948


Resumo Este trabalho discute e caracteriza as dinâmicas subjetivas e intersubjetivas das relações eu-outro(a)-mundo próprias à experiência íntima de confinamento domiciliar, a partir de diários textuais produzidos por três mulheres confinadas durante a pandemia. A partir da análise dialógica dos dados identificaram-se três estilísticas da intimidade confinada: a "introspecção da deriva"; a "performativa" e o "subjetivismo de fresta". Estas alegorias dialógicas lançam luz sobre: (a) os principais impasses na manutenção das formas de vida pré-virais; (b) as ambiguidades enunciativas e ambivalências afetivas na construção de alternativas ao período de confinamento na dinâmica ser-com-os-outros e os-outros-em-mim; (c) as formas de vivência do tempo, na reconstrução do passado, nos modos de elaboração de futuros através também das intensidades do presente.

Resumen Este artículo discute y caracteriza la dinámica subjetiva e intersubjetiva de las relaciones entre el yo, el otro(a) y el mundo que son específicas de la experiencia íntima del confinamiento en el hogar, basado en diarios textuales producidos por tres residentes del Estado de Pernambuco, confinados durante la pandemia. A partir del análisis dialógico de los datos, se identificaron tres características de la intimidad confinada: la "introspección de la deriva"; el "performativo" y el "subjetivismo de brecha". Estas alegorías dialógicas arrojan luz sobre: (a) los principales impases en el mantenimiento de formas de vida pre-virales; (b) las ambigüedades enunciativas y las ambivalencias afectivas en la construcción de alternativas al período de confinamiento en la dinámica ser-con-otros y otros-en-mí; (c) las formas de experimentar el tiempo, en la reconstrucción del pasado, en las formas de elaborar futuros a través de las intensidades del presente.

Abstract Based on textual diaries produced by three women confined at home during the pandemic, this article discusses the subjective and intersubjective dynamics of self-other-world relationships that are part of the intimate experience of home confinement. From a dialogical analysis of the data, three stylistics of the confined intimacy were identified: the drift´s introspection; the performative and the slot subjectivism. These dialogical allegories shed light on: (a) the main impasses in the maintenance of pre-viral lifeforms; (b) the declarative ambiguities and affective ambivalences in the construction of alternatives to the period of confinement in the dynamics being-with-the-others and the-others-in-me; (c) the ways of experiencing time in the reconstruction of the past, in the ways of elaborating futures also through the intensities of the present.

Isolamento Social/psicologia , Infecções por Coronavirus , Corpo Humano , Privacidade , Pandemias , Desamparo Aprendido , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida
Psicol. pesq ; 13(2): 42-60, maio-ago. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1098516


O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a transferência das 334 mulheres indigentes da seção Esquirol, ala do Hospício Nacional de Alienados, para a Colônia de Alienadas do Engenho de Dentro. A hipótese é a de que a criação da colônia, em 1911, foi a ratificação de uma política de tratamento que extrapolou o saber psiquiátrico e fez confluir temas e discursos diversos, tais como feminilidade, republicanismo, trabalho e pobreza. Na análise desse campo, através do conceito bakhtiniano de dialogia, espera-se compreender a participação do ideário psiquiátrico nas formulações que marcaram a compreensão acerca da mulher pobre durante a primeira república e inserir o aparecimento destas ideias no conjunto de instrumentos de regulação social que precisaram ser reconstruídos.

This work investigated the transfer of 334 destitute women from Esquirol's section, wing of the National Hospice of Alienated, to the Alienated Colony of Engenho de Dentro. The hypothesis is that the creation of the colony in 1911 was the ratification of a treatment policy that extrapolated psychiatric knowledge and brought together diverse themes and discourses, such as femininity, republicanism, work and poverty. In the analysis of this field, throught the bakhtinian concept of dialogue, it is hoped to understand the participation of psychiatric ideals in the formulations that marked the understanding about poor woman during the first republic and to insert the appearance of these ideas in the set of instruments of social regulation that needed to be reconstructed.

Psychopathology ; 52(2): 143-150, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31362287


Phenomenology often looks at psychosis as a defined pathological state. In this paper, psychosis is not seen as a (pathological) state but as a way to respond in extreme stress. It is psychological functioning of the embodied and relational mind, and psychotic experience can be seen as one form of affective arousal among any other affects. Taken the point of views of Emmanuel Levinas and Mikhail Bakhtin about the primacy of living in responsive relationships, psychotic behavior is seen as emerging in relationships that do not guarantee adequate responses and thus the subject is imposed to isolate from social relationships and developing odd behavior. If dialogical responses are guaranteed, recovery from psychotic behavior can occur. Some guidelines for such dialogues are given.

Transtornos Psicóticos/psicologia , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Humanos
Psychol Health ; 34(6): 695-714, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30693807


OBJECTIVE: Our aim is to understand how to facilitate the job retention of employees with chronic illness. We focus on multiple sclerosis (MS) as a criterion chronic illness. DESIGN: An opportunity sample of 20 individuals of working age (13 female; 7 male) were recruited who had been in paid employment for over 28 months with a concurrent diagnosis of MS. Participants took part in one of three focus groups with a topic guide comprising keywords: work, coping, performance, support, future, expectations, sharing and symptoms. Data were analysed using dialogical analysis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: As a qualitative study, no outcome measure was used. However, the specific focus of interest was to search for differential patterns of 'timespace' - chronotope - that people with chronic illness utilise to manage their condition in the workplace. RESULTS: Participants oriented to two distinct chronotope types: unsustainable epic (characterised by condensed time) and temporary idyll (characterized by condensed space). Perceived managerial discretion was identified as possibly influencing participants' chronotope preference. CONCLUSION: Identifying chronotope preference has practical implications for health psychologists and related professionals who provide and advise on support to facilitate people with chronic illness to thrive in the workplace.

Doença Crônica/psicologia , Fenômenos Cronobiológicos , Esclerose Múltipla/psicologia , Local de Trabalho/organização & administração , Adaptação Psicológica , Adulto , Emprego/estatística & dados numéricos , Feminino , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Rev. polis psique ; 9(1): 167-185, 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1099704


O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir a comunicação escrita em paredes de uma universidade pública federal, comunicação essa que visibiliza as tensões características das relações instituídas nas cidades contemporâneas. As intervenções nesses espaços são abordadas como enunciados em campos discursivos, tal como propõe a filosofia da linguagem de Bakhtin, e articuladas a discussões sobre o processo de espetacularização das cidades, dando-se destaque ao distanciamento entre sujeitos. A análise revela a arena de vozes sociais constituída no cotidiano universitário, sendo as intervenções nas paredes formas de resistência à tentativa institucional de harmonização dos espaços e dos discursos amparada na ordem de conservação do patrimônio público.

This study aims at discussing the written communication on the walls of a federal public university, a communication that highlights the tensions of the relations established in contemporary cities. The writings on these spaces are approached as utterances in discursive fields, as presented in Bakhtin's philosophy of language, and articulated to discussions on the process of spectacularization of the cities, highlighting the distancing among people. The analysis reveals the arena of social voices constituted in the daily life of the university, and comprehends the writings as forms of resistance to the institutional attempt to harmonize spaces and discourses based on the order of conservation of the public patrimony.

El presente estudio tiene como objetivo discutir la comunicación escrita en paredes de una universidad pública federal, comunicación que visibiliza las tensiones características de las relaciones instituidas en las ciudades contemporáneas. Las intervenciones en esos espacios son abordadas como enunciados en campos discursivos, tal como propone la filosofía del lenguaje de Bakhtin, y articuladas a discusiones sobre el proceso de espectacularización de las ciudades, dando destaque al distanciamiento entre sujetos. El análisis revela la arena de voces sociales constituida en el cotidiano universitario, siendo las intervenciones en las paredes formas de resistencia al intento institucional de armonización de los espacios y de los discursos amparada en el orden de conservación del patrimonio público.

Universidades , Meios de Comunicação , Área Urbana , Discurso , Relações Interpessoais , Individualidade
Fam Process ; 57(4): 855-866, 2018 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30033642


Research on human intersubjectivity has found that humans participate in a dialogue throughout their life, and that this is manifested not only via language, but also nonverbally, with the entire body. Such an understanding of human life has brought into focus some basic systemic ideas concerning the human relational mind. For Gregory Bateson, the mind works as a system, formed from components that are in continuous interaction with each other. In our Relational Mind research project, we followed twelve couple therapy processes involving two therapists per session, looking at the ways in which the four participants attuned to each other with their bodies, including their autonomic nervous system activity. Using observations from the project, we here describe the ways through which the relational and embodied mind can be realized in a couple therapy setting.

Terapia de Casal/métodos , Terapias Mente-Corpo/métodos , Adaptação Psicológica/fisiologia , Sistema Nervoso Autônomo , Humanos